Privacy Collection Statement

Only Sales Limited ACN 658 905 189 also trading as Only Trailers (we, us or our) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. You can access our full privacy policy on our website at

In the course of our business, we collect personal information from our current and prospective customers, contractors and agents, and from prospective employees.

The primary purpose for which we collect personal information varies depending on the individual that we are collecting the information from but is generally as follows: (a) in the case of current or prospective customers, to provide the customer with our products and services; (b) in the case of a current contractor, consultant or agent, to have you assist us in providing our products and services to our customers; (c) in the case of a prospective contractor, consultant, agent or employee, to assess suitability for employment or engagement; and (d) in the case of other individuals that contact us (including users of our website), to assist us to respond to enquiries or complaints.

We may also collect personal information for secondary purposes that we expect to be within your reasonable expectations and related to the primary purpose of collection. For example, some of our secondary purposes may include holding records of transactions to assist in future enquiries; to improve our website, products and services; to provide support relating to our products and services; for payment purposes; to provide you with updates that are relevant to you or your business; and to refer you to other entities that offer related services, such as providing you with finance or searching for vehicles available for purchase. You do not have to provide your personal information to us, but if you do not provide the information requested by us, we may not be able to provide you with our services or otherwise engage with you.

We usually collect personal information from the individual concerned through our website or direct engagement. We also collect personal information from third parties including your representatives and advisers, through referrals from individuals or other entities, banks and financial institutions, your current and previous employers, government bodies (such as relevant departments, regulatory authorities etc.), our employees, contractors, agents and related entities, paid search providers and through marketing and business development events.

We may disclose your personal information to other entities such as our contractors, agents, employees and related entities, our external auditors, brokers, insurance providers, legal and other advisers, employers of individuals, banks and financial institutions, your advisers, government bodies, law enforcement agencies, third parties considering the acquisition of the whole or part of our assets or business and other entities that offer finance or vehicle searching services.

We generally do not disclose personal information outside of Australia.

Our detailed privacy policy includes further information on how you can access and seek correction of personal information that is held by us and how you can complain about a breach of your privacy. The policy also contains information about how we will deal with a complaint. If you have any questions about our information handling practices or if you would like to request a copy of our privacy policy, please contact us via email at